black and white photo of a deck of playing cards against a black background

Card Reading

Card reading is an intuitive divination practice that calls on the power of shared cultural and natural archetypes to help create clarity around important questions.

Card “decks” contain a cohesive visual approach to supporting inquiry. The images on the cards as well as the reader's personal intuitive practice combine to provide helpful information related to your question, and sometimes advice and prediction.

Zel supports people in receiving information about a specific area of curiosity.

  • Yes or no questions are not welcome, however the information received in response to a broader area of inquiry may lead to a clear yes or no!
  • Zel will help people coming from a place of “I don't even know what to ask!” or “I don't even know where to start!” land on an area of curiosity via breath and prompts.

Many cultures have “reading” or divination practices using different visual archetypes. Zel reads:

  • Tarot (non traditional decks)
  • Oracle cards (created by trusted teachers)
  • Playing cards (Hoodoo tradition)

Zel's card reading is heavily influenced by their palm-healing practice (link) and their ancestral practice, and involves both a laying of hands on the cards and communication with their ancestral guides.