black person's hand in front of large green leaves

Palm Healing Sessions

black person's hand in front of large green leaves

What is Palm Healing?

Palm healing is a counter-colonial term for the somatic energy practices commonly known in "the west" as Reiki

  • Reiki is a Japanese cosmology, rooted in palm healing, that has been heavily misappropriated — there's nothing wrong with calling it Reiki if that's what you're actually practicing. But is it?
  • Palm healing exists in LOTS of different cultures, not only in Japan — think “laying on hands”
  • Zel teaches the Sacred Energy Immersion specifically to help people learn palm healing in the context of their own ancestral practice to combat cultural misappropriation

Palm healing as Zel practices it, is an ancestrally-guided divination practice in which the practitioner scans the body with the hands to “read” the body's energetic communication. Are you aware that “the body keeps the score,” but don't know how to read the score card? Palm healing is very helpful.

The palm healer is able to receive information about:

  • what the body is experiencing and how the body is holding emotional and mental experiences
  • what communication may be available about relationships (all types)
  • communication from ancestral guides (includes nature/land)

Yep, it's very esoteric! And very vulnerable. And very effective.

This offering is for people who already have a level of trust for non-western energy work. If you trust card-reading, palm-healing is a wonderful way to receive similar kinds of wisdom directly via the body instead of via the deck — it therefore often feels much more personal and grounded.

Will I be “healed” after palm healing?

Zel does not practice medicalized palm healing. Their goal is not to fix you, but to make you aware of patterns and areas of dense communication that will help you personalize, curate and improve the effectiveness of your approach to healing.

  • This is always followed up with vocal/written communication that you can reference to make decisions about how to adjust / change/ shift your practices to promote over all healing.
  • You will likely feel more empowered to deal with what you are feeling and clearer about what is happening inside your body on the physical and subtle energetic levels
  • You will likely feel an energetic “shift.” The shift can be experienced as an increased sense of calm, awareness, motivation, clarity, or other emotional and energetic releases. This also often includes a decreased sense of pain (physical or otherwise).
  • You will likely feel “seen” without judgment and without having to explain yourself, which can be liberating for folks who often mask or camouflage for survival
  • You may receive direct communication from guides if you are open to it.
black person's hand in front of large green leaves

How Does It Work?

First, we’ll chat. This can be text-based if you are not speaking (for any reason). Then, Zel will guide you into a meditative or peri-meditative state. Then, you rest! People typically lay down, but you can choose any body position that supports deep relaxation. And Zel uses their palms and a variety of supportive rituals to divine.

Some people remain relatively present; some fall into a meditative liminal space; some people fall asleep. It’s all welcome. Then, Zel will guide you back to a grounded, present awareness.

You’ll have time to record any important insights you gained while resting. Then, we chat.

  • Can be text-based if you are not speaking.
  • Zel will let you know what information was “read” or communicated via particular parts and/or systems within the body
  • Zel provides a summary with suggested follow up practices that will support any healing that the session opened you up to.
black person's hand in front of large green leaves

Guided Self Palm Healing

Guided self palm healing is a similar process as a full palm healing session, with some differences listed below. Anyone trained in palm healing can apply this skill to themselves. Even trained palm healers sometimes seek support in their self-practice. This can be really helpful for folks who have a sense of what to do, but for whatever reason, don't want to be alone in their practice.

  • Instead of total rest, Zel will help you guide your own hands over your body based on the insights they are receiving.
  • This may feel more comfortable for people still dealing with symptomatic, unprocessed trauma
  • This may feel safer for folks who are learning how to navigate their own dissociation
  • This may feel helpful to newer palm healers who'd like to connect their self-practice with a guided practice to increase their understanding and skills